sexta-feira, julho 01, 2005

UK entre o 51 Estado e a Mesa Europeia

Para não deprimirmos com os 6 longos meses de presidência britânica, aqui vão algumas reflexões interessantes de Jeremy Rifkin no prefácio da edição inglesa de "The European Dream" sobre a relação entre Reino Unido, a Europa e os EUA:

"In the 21st century, no country will be able to go-it-alone in an increasing global economy. Either the U.K. becomes the 51st American state - de facto - or it takes its place at the European table. (...) How does the U.K. expect to maintain its own currency ten years from now when most of the rest of the world is doing business in Euros ans dollars? (...) I can see why the U.K. needs either the U.S. or Europe, but not why either of the other two ultimately need the U.K. So where does this leave the U.K.?
If Great Britain chooses to attach its destiny to that of America, it will ultimately have to accept an American agenda and an American frame of mind as its own. If, however, the U.K. chooses to become an integral part of continental Europe, it will have to accept the duties and obligations that go along with surrendering some measure of sovereignity to become part of transnational political space. But, instead of seeing full membership in the European Union in purely negative terms, as something being forced on them by the flow of global events, the U.K. ought to consider Europeanization as a historic opportunity, with vast potential benefits for the British people.

"The European Dream", Jeremy Rifkin, Polity, Prefácio pp. xii-xiii

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