quarta-feira, julho 13, 2005

Conclusões do G8 sobre as alterações climáticas

Da declaração final conjunta do G8 o que há de realmente novo é:

"All of us agreed that climate change is happening now, that human activity is contributing to it, and that it could affect every part of the globe."

Quer isto dizer que finalmente acabou a criancice de insinuar que o aquecimento global era um problema inventado pela Europa para a economia europeia se aproximar da economia americana. É um progresso significativo...

Blair acrescentou:

"It is combined, in addition, with a specific plan of action in respect of all the main issues, and that plan of action and the dialogue together will then be reported on, first of all at a meeting that will be held here in Britain on 1 November, and then in successive G8 Presidencies"

No entanto, como já se esperarava, a questão do Protocolo de Quito ficou na mesma como a lesma. O que é péssimo e bastante perigoso para o futuro do planeta, aliás a seguinte passagem é suficientemente clara:

"We were never going to be able at this G8 to resolve the disagreement over Kyoto, nor to renegotiate a set of targets for countries in place of the Kyoto Protocol (...) If it is impossible to bring America into the consensus on tackling the issue of climate change, we will never ensure that the huge emerging economies, particularly those of China and India, who are going to consume more energy than any other part of the world, we will never ensure that they are part of a dialogue, and if we cannot have America as part of the dialogue on climate change, and we can't have India and China as part of the dialogue, there is no possibility of us succeeding in resolving this issue."

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