quinta-feira, julho 07, 2005

Memória curta II: Richard Clarke tinha razão

"Instead of addressing that threat with all necessary attention it required, we went off on a tangent, off after Iraq, off on a path that weakened us and strengthened the next generation of Al-Qaedas. For even as we have been attriting the core Al-Qaeda organization, it has metastasized. It was like a Hydra, growing new heads. There have been far more major terrorist attacks by Al-Qaeda and its regional clones in the thirty months since September 11 than there were in the thirty months prior to that momentous event. I wonder if Bin Laden and his deputies actually planned for September 11 to be like smashing a pod of seeds that spread around the world, allowing them to step back out of the picture and have the regional organizations they created take their generation-long struggle to the next level"

"Against All Enemies", Richard Clarke, Free Press, 2004, pag. 286.

Mais sobre o assunto nos Bicharocos como gráficos e tudo.

Estas entradas intituladas "memória curta" são entradas antigas da Klepsýdra, nada disto é novo...

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