segunda-feira, maio 03, 2004

Richard Clarke chama os bois pelos nomes

In the 1700s a small group of extraordinary Americans created the Constitution that governs this country. In it, they dictated an oath that the President of the United States should swear. 43 have done so since. Scores of millions of Americans have sworn a very similar oath upon becoming citizens, or joining the armed forces, becoming FBI agents, CIA officers, or federal bureaucrats.

All of the above-mentioned groups have sworn to protect that very Constitution "against all enemies". In this era of threat and change, we must all renew our pledge to protect that Constitution against the foreign enemies that would inflict terrorism against our nation and its people. (...) We must also defend the Constitution against those who would use terrorist threat to assault the liberties the Constitution enshrines. Those liberties are under assault and, if there is another major, successful terrorist attack in this country there will be further assaults on our rights and civil liberties. Thus, it is essential that we prevent further attacks and that we protect the Constitution...against all enemies.

"Against All Enemies", Richard Clarke, Free Press, pag. xiii (preface), 2004.

Pegando no excerto: those who would use terrorist threat to assault the liberties the Constitution enshrines
Este "those" refere-se a pessoas como Rumsfeld. Lá iremos em breve aqui na Klepsýdra.

Richard Clarke foi nomeado pelo Presidente Clinton para o cargo de First National Coordinator for Security, Infrastructure Protection, and Counterterrorism em Maio de 1998 e continuou nessa posição sob a administração de George W. Bush. Richard Clarke coordenou todas as operações na Casa Branca desde que o primeiro avião embateu nas torres do WTC até à entrada em cena do responsável da Continuity of Government (plano de emergência que prevê um substituto interino para dar continuidade ao governo em situações de crise quando o presidente está ausente da Casa Branca).
O JCD dos Jaquinzinhos deveria corrigir este texto onde remete Richard Clark para um simples Special Adviser for Cyberspace Security. JCD refere no mesmo texto que um blogue de esquerda é sinónimo de falta de rigor...Deve ter lido isso nalguma embalagem de Corn Flakes!

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