quinta-feira, outubro 25, 2007

Dawkins explica o darwinismo aos neocons e às criancinhas

"The argument from improbability states that complex things could not have come about by chance. But many people define 'come about by chance' as a synonym for 'come about in the absence of deliberate design'. Not surprisingly, therefore, they think improbability is evidence of design (...) A deep understanding of Darwinism teaches us to be wary of the easy assumption that design is the only alternative to chance (...) Natural selection is a cumulative process which breaks the problem of improbability up into small pieces. Each of the small pieces is slightly improbable, but not prohibitively so. When large numbers of these slightly improbable events are stacked up in series, the end product of the accumulation is very very improbable indeed (...) The creationist completely misses the point because he insists on treating the genesis of statistical improbability as a single, one-off event. He doesn't understand the power of accumulation."
"The God Delusion", Richard Dawkins, Bantam Press, 2006, pag. 114 e 120.

Após este blá blá blá vazio sobre darwinismo tirei do baú das trapalhadas uma ilustração do texto de Dawkins:
"de acordo com o argumento [do desígnio], o mundo natural, em particular o mundo biológico, apresenta uma ordenação que não pode ser explicada por mero acaso. Apresenta design. (...) A Teoria da Evolução não coloca em causa, por si só, o argumento do desígnio, isto porque, na ausência de outra explicação, o mistério da mudança teria igualmente que ser atribuido a um designer."
João Miranda a defender de cernelha o Desenho Inteligente/Criacionismo

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